Monday, December 7, 2009

Response to Speeches

I made 2 speeches at Mount Hagen Secondary School and Hagen Park Secondary School, during the graduations of their Grades 10s and 12s for 2009. Both speeches were well-received by the students, teachers and parents.

The speech at Hagen Park had a big impact on people. I had several people come up to ask me for copies of the speech. One young man actually told me that he was weeping as I went through the speech. One student I met a day later told me that all her mates were impacted by the speech. A gentleman told me that the speech was really for the people of Western Highlands Province, not just the graduating students. Three boys from the village sent me text messages while I was on the stage after delivering the speech, to tell me that the speech was powerful. They later informed me that people in the crowd were talking about it. The High School/Secondary School Superintendent for the province told me that the speech was the best he has heard in his life.

To God be all the Glory!

1 comment:

David Ulg Ketepa said...

I heard you were home in Talga/Hagen on Monday. Glad all activities went well. Take care in Gka and God bless.
