Saturday, November 22, 2014


This is part of Chapter 4 of my book "You Cannot Serve God And Money". The chapter title is "Kingdom Economics: Why The Economic System Of The Kingdom Of God Is Different And Superior To The World's System".

The modern education system, where children leave their homes to learn from a teacher in a classroom, was introduced by industrialists during the Industrial Revolution. Schools were introduced to produce workers to work for the rich and soldiers to protect the assets of the rich. Prior to that children learnt from their parents at home to operate as self-employed entrepreneurs.

Education as we know it today is essentially about programming and conditioning people to look for jobs and therefore work for other people. Students start off as generalists and end up as specialists the further they make it up the educational ladder. Industry demands that people know as much as they can about a particular area, because the workplace is designed for specialization. So students know more and more about less and less until they become experts in a particular area.

The ultimate goal for education and training is for people to trade their energy, skills, knowledge and time for money. Who has the money? The answer is: The government and business people (the rich). The employment contract is used by rich people to entice workers and keep the employees working for them in exchange for salaries and other benefits. When it comes to payday, the workers find to their horror that a large portion of their income goes to the government in the form of income taxes. A large portion of the tax dollars then gets transferred to rich people through a myriad of government-sponsored programs and projects in the name of service delivery or defense.

Of the balance of the income which the working class receive from their employers, the second biggest expense is rent which the workers pay to the owners of the houses, flats, apartments and condos they live in. Who owns these buildings? The rich! That is why the real estate market is generally not regulated, and rental rates are high. Why would rich people want to pass laws that will curtail their objective of squeezing as much money out of working people by way of exorbitant rentals?

The third biggest expense (for some people it may be the first or second) is debt repayment. The working class are generally up to their necks in debt. Who do the poor and working class borrow from? The rich!

What is left is spent on food, transport, utilities and other necessities – all of which are supplied by the rich. Who sets the prices for these items? The rich! Not only do the rich set their base prices: When costs of production increase, they raise their prices by more than the rise in costs. Some even raise their prices for no reason other than to maximize profits. So the rich use inflation to transfer wealth from the poor and working class to themselves.

I do not know what you will make of this, but here is something G. Edward Griffin stated in his book titled The Creature from Jekyll Island:

“The purpose of the foundation [the General Education Board] was to use the power of money, not to raise the level of education in America, as was widely believed at the time, but to influence the direction of education…The object was to use the classroom to teach attitudes that encourage people to be passive and submissive to their rulers. The goal was – and is – to create citizens who were educated enough for productive work under supervision but not enough to question authority or to seek to rise above their class. True education was to be restricted to the sons and daughters of the elite. For the rest it would be better to produce skilled workers with no particular aspirations other than to enjoy life.”

The General Education Board of America was set up by John D. Rockefeller in 1903, supposedly to advance the cause of the peoples’ education. The creature from Jekyll island is the US Federal Reserve System, which is a private and secretive banking cartel that performs the role of reserve or central banking to the American banking and financial system. The people who set up the education system created the US Federal Reserve System 10 years later in 1913. Griffin alleges in his book that the education system in America was designed by the ultra-rich and powerful to keep the people ignorant of financial education - which is “true education” - which the children of rich people would receive at home.

If we look intently into the results the education system has produced in the lives of the academically educated and literate but financially uneducated and illiterate working class all over the world, we would realize that what Griffin says is credible. Generally, the working class works for the rich all their lives without making any progress in their own lives! They work for money, buy things and seemingly enjoy life, and get nowhere. Having a paid job is akin to slavery. In the days of slavery, the slave owners would feed and house the slaves, and extract the slaves’ time and energy for free, without the slaves making any progress in life. It was a life of comfort and ease for the master and drudgery for the slaves.

Today, workers do get paid, but the pay is usually just enough for them to survive from payday to payday. As we have seen, the money ends up back in the hands of the rich. The general experience of the working class over a period of some 40 years, which many have come to refer to as the ‘rat race’, is:

1. Go to work;
2. Get paid;
3. Pay taxes, debts and bills; and
4. Go back to work.

It is like jogging on a treadmill – a financial treadmill. The reading on the machine indicates how many hours someone has been running and how many miles or kilometers, and the person can feel the physical effects of sweat and loss of energy on the body, but has that person actually gone somewhere? The answer is “No”. After spending so many years working for the government or corporations, the majority of workers end up broke and fall back on charity or government support programs (e.g. pensions, social security and superannuation) once they reach retirement and old age.

Thursday, November 20, 2014


This is part of Chapter 1 of my book "You Cannot Serve God And Money."

A silent war goes on in the hearts of Christians all over the world. In their hearts they really want to serve God by giving more of their time and money to His work and even serving in the ministry full-time. Most Christians also wish that every day was a day of worship, when they can sing songs of praise and worship, hear the Word of God, and just relax in the presence of God.

I have attended many camps, conventions and conferences over the years and one thing I have noticed is that most people bid each other goodbye with tears in their eyes as the meetings end. They had enjoyed each other’s company and fellowship in the atmosphere of praise and worship so much that they feel sad about parting to return to their homes. Being in the meetings was like being in heaven, while returning home is like returning to earth after a short stint in heaven.

The problem is that although people desire to serve God or linger in His presence, they are forced to return to their normal course of life because of the need to work for money in order to put food on their tables and meet other living expenses. They are pulled in two directions: On the one hand they want to dwell in the presence of God longer, while on their other, money tugs at their hearts. The need to work for money to sustain and achieve other goals in life both lures and drags people out of the presence of God.

This unseen war between God and money in the hearts of Christians is the reason Jesus made the statement in Matthew 6:24, where He said:

“No one can serve two masters; for either he will hate the one and love the other, or else he will be loyal to one and despise the other. You cannot serve God and mammon.”

The Living Bible’s translation of the same statement in Luke 16:13 says:

“For neither you nor anyone else can serve two masters. You will hate one and show loyalty to the other, or else the other way around – you will be enthusiastic about one and despise the other. You cannot serve both God and money.”

As this is the key verse upon which this book is based, let me quote it one more time from the Amplified Version. This version of Matthew 6:24 says:

“No one can serve two masters; for either he will hate the one and love the other, or he will stand by and be devoted to one and despise and be against the other. You cannot serve God and mammon (deceitful riches, money, possessions, or whatever is trusted in or relied upon).”

To serve means to work for someone as a servant or slave with loyalty and to wait upon someone to receive instructions from with the intention or predisposition to obey. It also means to honor, show affection for, love, revere, submit to, bow down or worship, to show affection for, trust, obey and rely upon someone. We cannot serve God and money. It is either God or money, not God and money.

Tuesday, November 4, 2014


I have been busy with my new book titled “You Cannot Serve God And Money.” The sub-title is “But You Can Make Money Serve You While You Serve God.” It is based on Matthew 6:24 (also Luke 16:13), in which Jesus said, “No one can serve two masters; for either he will hate the one and love the other, or else he will be loyal to one and despise the other. You cannot serve God and Mammon.” The word Mammon refers to money, wealth, riches and material possessions.

The crux of the book is that both God and money are important in man’s life, but man must make money serve him so that he is free to serve God without money interfering with his devotion to God. In other words, money becomes a servant of man, and man becomes a servant of God: It serves him, and he serves Him.

The book is divided into three parts and twenty chapters, excluding the introduction and conclusion chapters. The first part of the book discusses the importance of a mind-set of abundance. Part 2 discusses 5 Biblical principles or ‘guard rails’ for handling money, wealth, riches and possessions. It also has a bonus chapter on who is a truly rich person in the sight of God. Having discussed mind-set and principles, Part 3 looks at practical for ways of making money work.
The idea, again, is that because we cannot serve God and money, we must make money serve us so that we can serve God.
Here are the chapter titles:

Chapter One: You Can Make Money Serve You While You Serve God
Chapter Two: A Renewed Mind Is Necessary For Abundance
Chapter Three: Mind-sets Of The Rich And The Poor
Chapter Four: Myths About Money That Keep Christians In Poverty
Chapter Five: Kingdom Economics: Why The Economic System Of The Kingdom Of God Is Superior To The World’s System
Chapter Six: Millionaires Of The Bible And How They Handled Wealth And Riches
Chapter Seven: God Is Rich Beyond Measure

Chapter Eight: Material Prosperity Is God’s Will For You
Chapter Nine: God Wants You To Love And Serve Him, Not Money
Chapter Ten: God Wants You To Become A Faithful And Fruitful Steward Of All His Blessings
Chapter Eleven: God Wants You To Be Content With What He Has Blessed You
Chapter Twelve: God Wants You To Be A Blessing To His Kingdom And The World
Chapter Thirteen: Being Rich Toward God

Chapter Fourteen: Sixteen Tips For Prudent Management Of Personal Finances
Chapter Fifteen: Making Money Serve You: Investment Vehicles
Chapter Sixteen: Making Money Serve You Through Business
Chapter Seventeen: Making Money Serve You Through Real Estate
Chapter Eighteen: Making Money Serve You Through Equities
Chapter Nineteen: Making Money Serve You Through Fixed Income Investments
Chapter Twenty: Seven Steps To Making Money Serve You

I have prayed over this book many times that it will be a source of information and blessing to the body of Christ throughout the world. My plan is to have it published in the United States initially followed by Australia and the United Kingdom, and market it as a self-published book both off and on line in the form of hard copies and an electronic book. Profits from the book and related products such as audios and DVDs will be split as follows: 20% to world evangelism; 20% to community development project in my country through my non-profit foundation; 10% to churches in my country, and the balance for investment in properties. Profits from these investments will be split in the above order. It is a practical way of activating the message in the book.

I am looking forward to the day when the book is published and launched in America in 2015.
Further information and updates can be obtained by emailing me at